The DRC Liasons, Eder Delin, and Bahro Activity
Posting from Eder Kemo...
Ok, this news is all a few days old, because any time I haven't been working on the surface, I've been in the cavern helping out, or relaxing with some friends in Eder Kemo. I'm making sure to put aside some time right now though to make sure to get this written...
Everyone in the cavern has pulled together to select five excellent DRC Liaisons:
I'm pleased to say that several of my top choices made the list. It's only been a few days, but they're already doing an amazing job. The day after the election, the five had their very first meeting with the DRC, which leads me into my next topic...
They discussed various "Town Hall" style meetings to gather groups together in the community for question and answer sessions with the DRC, as well as generally getting acquainted with eachother and the DRC. One surprise was the confirmation that the DRC are all carrying Relto books now, and appear to have taken Yeesha's journey. How this will affect their outlook regarding the restoration remains to be seen.
Another big piece of news... on one of the imagers in the Uruto hood (Where the DRC chose to meet with the Liaisons. It means something close to "Gathering Place") was a photo of an age that none of the explorers have seen yet. Marie has been working on it, and it's known as "Eder Delin", another garden age. From the photo, it looks similar to Eder Kemo, but not identical.

From what we know, there was a big boom in the production of garden ages at one point in D'ni history, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were almost "mass produced" with only small changes between each owner. So it's not that surprising to see two similar ages. Frankly, as much as I love Kemo, the idea of a similar (but still different) age tickles me pink. I'll be first in line to link there... .. .. well maybe second.
The Bahro seem to be happy about the election as well, as they've resumed activity in the cavern by placing a linking stone to a secluded dock in Teledahn down by the Ferry Terminal on Ae'gura. This stone seems to come and go randomly, but those who have used it also report having found a Yeesha page on the dock in Teledahn, which will add a dock to Relto, for those who choose to use a Relto book. Actually, given the DRC now have them... I'm fairly confident that everyone in the cavern does have a Relto book now. Like the other stone that have been spotted in the cavern and throughout the ages, the use of one will add an additional link to the Teledahn book in your Relto bookshelf... so even if the stone is gone, you can ask a friend who has been to link you through.
(Note: To my knowledge, the use of linking stones is still not endorsed by the DRC. Even the Relto books seem to be on a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" basis. Use the linking stones left by the Bahro at your own risk. I know I did.)
Ok, this news is all a few days old, because any time I haven't been working on the surface, I've been in the cavern helping out, or relaxing with some friends in Eder Kemo. I'm making sure to put aside some time right now though to make sure to get this written...
Everyone in the cavern has pulled together to select five excellent DRC Liaisons:
I'm pleased to say that several of my top choices made the list. It's only been a few days, but they're already doing an amazing job. The day after the election, the five had their very first meeting with the DRC, which leads me into my next topic...
They discussed various "Town Hall" style meetings to gather groups together in the community for question and answer sessions with the DRC, as well as generally getting acquainted with eachother and the DRC. One surprise was the confirmation that the DRC are all carrying Relto books now, and appear to have taken Yeesha's journey. How this will affect their outlook regarding the restoration remains to be seen.
Another big piece of news... on one of the imagers in the Uruto hood (Where the DRC chose to meet with the Liaisons. It means something close to "Gathering Place") was a photo of an age that none of the explorers have seen yet. Marie has been working on it, and it's known as "Eder Delin", another garden age. From the photo, it looks similar to Eder Kemo, but not identical.

From what we know, there was a big boom in the production of garden ages at one point in D'ni history, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were almost "mass produced" with only small changes between each owner. So it's not that surprising to see two similar ages. Frankly, as much as I love Kemo, the idea of a similar (but still different) age tickles me pink. I'll be first in line to link there... .. .. well maybe second.
The Bahro seem to be happy about the election as well, as they've resumed activity in the cavern by placing a linking stone to a secluded dock in Teledahn down by the Ferry Terminal on Ae'gura. This stone seems to come and go randomly, but those who have used it also report having found a Yeesha page on the dock in Teledahn, which will add a dock to Relto, for those who choose to use a Relto book. Actually, given the DRC now have them... I'm fairly confident that everyone in the cavern does have a Relto book now. Like the other stone that have been spotted in the cavern and throughout the ages, the use of one will add an additional link to the Teledahn book in your Relto bookshelf... so even if the stone is gone, you can ask a friend who has been to link you through.
(Note: To my knowledge, the use of linking stones is still not endorsed by the DRC. Even the Relto books seem to be on a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" basis. Use the linking stones left by the Bahro at your own risk. I know I did.)
Heh, thanks for the support LAHI! Regardless, the five who were chosen are already doing an excellent job, so I'm quite happy. I'll continue doing my part by recording events here, as they occur.
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